Lent & Easter Events

Easter Flowers

Warm weather makes us think about spring flowers. Selections for Easter will be tulips or daffodils. Flowers can be purchased to take home after the 11 am service on Easter Sunday or a donation can be made toward the Flower Fund. Flowers can be purchased “in memory of” or “celebration of” a loved one. Names will be published in the Easter Sunday bulletin. The deadline to order is Sunday, APRIL 13.

Palm Sunday Concert

Palm Sunday Concert

Please mark your calendars for a choir concert featuring our Chancel Choir plus the choirs of Cana Lutheran and Zion Lutheran Church on Palm Sunday, April 13, 3:00. The concert is a fundraiser for The Welcome Inn Homeless Center and the Zion Food Pantry.

 The program will be directed by Roger Smith and Dianne Cragg, and accompanied by various instruments including combined handbell choirs. Featuring "A Jubilant Song" by Alan Pote, the concert will also include a variety of styles and fun music to listen to. The concert is at Zion Lutheran Church, 143 Albany Street, Ferndale MI 48220.

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Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt where kids from toddlers to 5th graders will search for candy-filled eggs, get their faces painted and have an opportunity to get their picture taken with the "Easter Bunny." Yummy refreshments will be provided, and no one leaves without a raffle prize. Volunteers are needed to help with refreshments, registration, face painting and overseeing the egg hunts.

 On March 23, a basket will be placed in the vestibule to collect candy donations; anything from jellybeans and chocolate eggs to bite-sized candy bars that will fit into small plastic eggs. Donations of anything from stuffed animals and games to Legos and hula hoops that we can raffle would also be appreciated.

 Come, join the fun, and help us make this our most successful Egg Hunt ever! Please contact Deb Basierbe if you can help.

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

8:45 AM Our celebration of the Resurrection begins with our Praise service. The service features our Praise Team and communion.

9:45 AM Easter Brunch

11:00 AM service will serve Holy Communion and be live streamed as well as in person. Hope you all can join us!

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Easter Sunday Brunch

Easter Sunday Brunch

Plans are in the works for our annual Easter Breakfast, Sunday, April 20, 9:45-10:45, between services! We will soon be asking for volunteers for set up/clean up and for baking our traditional casseroles, but before we can do that, we need to have a better idea of how many might be coming this year.  Please RSVP by Sunday, April 13.

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Gabriel Faure’s Requiem

Gabriel Faure’s Requiem

The combined choirs of Greenfield Presbyterian, Zion Lutheran, Our Lady of La Salette, and members of Cana Lutheran will present Gabriel Fauré’s beautiful Requiem on Palm Sunday, March 24th, at 4:00pm at Our Lady of La Salette. While requiems are closely related to the Christian faith as a lament for the dead, Gabriel Fauré's melodic Requiem focuses on the restful and fear-free nature of death. The festival choir and chamber orchestra will be conducted by Roger Smith, music director of Zion Lutheran in Ferndale. Maggie Rees, soprano, and James Wilking, baritone, will be the soloists. The orchestra will open the concert with Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme also known as Sleepers Awake by Johann Sebastian Bach. The choir and orchestra will also perform By Faith by Stuart Townsend, arranged by Michael Laurence and orchestrated by Roger Smith. A free will offering will benefit the Gleaners Food Bank in Detroit and the Welcome Inn Homeless Center in Royal Oak. 

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Lenten Adult Bible Study
to Mar 29

Lenten Adult Bible Study

Our Lent Bible Study begins Wednesday, March 1. We will be exploring together the book On Repentance and Repair by Danya Ruttenberg. First session will be a discussion on introduction and chapter 1. Sessions will be at 10am and 7pm, both in-person and via Zoom link.

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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

We begin our 40 day Lenten pilgrimage to Jerusalem on March 2.

Our service will be with Cana Lutheran Church and Drayton Presbyterian Church at their church.

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