Who We Are

Welcome To Greenfield Presbyterian Church

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, we welcome you to our community.

We seek to open doors and hearts to all people, affirming everyone’s dignity. All are welcome here. We celebrate the diversity in all God’s people, including race, ethnicity, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, or religious beliefs. For those struggling and facing challenges, we extend the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

We delight in and are strengthened as a Church community by this diversity. We believe we are all God’s children, and we have much to learn from worshiping and interacting together.

Our Mission

At Greenfield Church, our mission is Creating a Caring Community. This guides everything we do as we work to nurture a supportive and inclusive space where people can connect, grow in faith, and reflect the love of Christ in their lives and relationships.

Our Vision

A spiritual home of God’s love, reflecting Christ’s compassion and justice.

We aspire to be a church where all can truly feel at home. This calls us to live out our faith by embracing one another, sharing God’s grace, and working together to create a more just and compassionate world.

Living Out Our Mission and Vision

Through prayer and discernment, we have identified six key priorities that guide how we live out our Mission and work toward our Vision. These priorities reflect what God has placed on our hearts and encompass both the spiritual and practical needs of our church community.

Some priorities focus on deepening relationships, serving others, and addressing issues of justice. Others ensure that we have the tools and resources—such as strong finances, welcoming facilities, and a vibrant presence in our community—to sustain and grow our ministries. Together, these priorities provide a roadmap for living into God’s calling for Greenfield Church, now and into the future.

  • Life Together

    1. Ministering to, caring for and nurturing our members.

    2. Open to change and trying new things.

    3. High level of volunteer engagement across majority of members.

    4. Increased diversity in our membership.

    5. Greenfielders and neighbors experience a strong sense of belonging in infinite ways.

  • Outreach & Justice

    1. Addressing systems/structures that create human need.

    2. Engaged in poverty, hunger, climate, racial and other social justice ministries.

    3. Engaged in ministries locally, nationally and globally.

  • The Younger Generation

    1. Church is meaningful and offers a place of authentic connection with God for all generations.

    2. Developing the next generation of leaders at Greenfield.

    3. Continual revitalization and investment in Christian Education ministry.

    4. Sustainability and stability of STAGE youth ministry.

    5. Supporting and ministering to Greenfield’s children, teenagers, young adults and families.

    6. Growth in numbers of children, teenagers, young adults and families.

  • Marketing & Social Media

    1. Increased presence on social media.

    2. Increased visibility of mission and social justice activities.

    3. Increased presence of Greenfield in surrounding community.

    4. Increased engagement of neighbors, resulting in growth.

  • Financial Future

    1. Financial Stability and Sustainability.

    2. Diversified Revenue Streams.

    3. Increased Giving and Stewardship.

    4. Resilience Fund for Unforeseen Challenges.

  • Church Facilities

    1. A sacred, contemporary and flexible worship space that meets our current and future needs.

    2. A safe space where the congregation gathers for worship, service, and fellowship.

    3. A space that effectively facilitates and meets the needs of our ministries.

As of November 2024

Greenfield is now part of the

More Light Presbyterians.

We are a diverse church,

inclusive of all.