Children’s Ministries.

Welcoming Young People
At Greenfield we are seeking to create a joy-filled community, where children and families are nurtured in their life of faith and spiritual growth and valued and empowered in Christ’s ministry today.
Join us for Sunday School
Children can join us for Sunday School at the 11 am service. We begin in worship, and children leave for Sunday School from worship together.
Nursery Care
The nursery is available for God’s youngest disciples, birth through age three, during the 11 o’clock worship service.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
At Greenfield Presbyterian Church we pride ourselves in giving God’s youngest children a safe place to explore God’s Word and Love. The staff and volunteers work to create a themed week where children Kindergarten through fifth grade can encounter God in a space that is age appropriate, creative, and fun.
Click the button below for more details.
Please submit a photo release if it’s alright to use your child in photos for social media. If you not want us to use your child’s photo let us know that too.