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Giving Tree

The downriver Guidance Center will once again be the recipient of our gifts from the Giving Tree. The process will be like last year. Instead of choosing a specific gift tag and shopping for that child, we are requesting gift cards in a variety of denominations (from $5 to $100, please ensure the amount is designated on the card or envelope.) Please select major retailers that are in the downriver area to make it more convenient for the parents to shop, such as Meijer, Target, Walmart. The gift cards will be divided and distributed to several families and delivered in early December to allow time for shopping.

If you can participate this year, please bring your gift cards to the church by Sunday, December 4. 

Thank-you in advance for your generosity!!!

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Howell or Wendy Dawson.

November 10

Celebrating our Veterans

December 8

Mission Fair